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AI  Eyebots - Our Story

Complete Eyecare Guide with AI Eyebot

Heye there! We're your Eyebot aides - Janeye, Mayeye, Juleye, Apeye and Doc Deckeye!



We're Eyebots and we're here to help you love and nurture your eyes.


Our AI Eyebot chatbot was born out of the desire to help prevent needless vision loss and avertible blindness during a Chatbot Bootcamp by National Library Board, Singapore and AI4IMPACT.


If our names sound familiar - we take after months as we'll be your eye care guides through the year! As you have guessed, we were all created with the image generators, Leonardo AI, Bing Image Creator and DeepAI.


So come on a comprehensive journey with us - discover eye-opening insights and relaxing eye exercises, cultivate good eye care habits, check eye symptoms, find doctors, AskGenie GPT, test your EYE-Q and more!

Complete Eyecare Guide with AI Eyebot

I'm Noveye. Febeye's stuck on that tree and Qcteye's stuck on books!

Complete Eyecare Guide with AI Eyebot

We're Juneye and GenieGPT with Augeye floating just above!

©2024 Doreen Zhang

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